From Court to Course: Enhance your Swing Performance with Noraxon and Zebris systems

In the realm of sports performance, advanced technology plays a pivotal role in refining techniques and enhancing athletic prowess. Noraxon systems and the Zebris SAM Puttlab are at the forefront of this technological revolution, offering detailed insights into the biomechanics of tennis and golf. These innovative tools are available in the UK and Ireland through HaB Direct, providing athletes and coaches with the means to achieve peak swing analysis and performance.

Noraxon Systems: Advanced Biomechanical & Swing Analysis

Noraxon offers a comprehensive suite of biomechanical analysis tools designed to optimise performance in various sports, including tennis and golf. Two key components of their technology are the Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) and Electromyography (EMG) systems, both integrated seamlessly within the MyoResearch (MR4) software platform.

Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs)

IMUs are crucial for measuring body movement in three dimensions. They capture data on joint angles, orientation, and linear acceleration, providing a complete picture of an athlete’s movements. In tennis, IMUs can track the complex motions involved in serving and groundstrokes, helping players fine-tune their techniques for maximum efficiency and power. For golf, IMUs are used to analyse the swing from address to follow-through, enabling golfers to understand and improve their mechanics​​​​.

In this Wisconsin Performance Institute blog from 2002, Kit Kiefer, a recreational tennis player, discusses his evaluation of his tennis swing using the Noraxon IMU system.

“The sensors don’t restrict movement at all… The Noraxon system had created an avatar version of me. The serving motion of my avatar had been recorded, and now it was being played back, with the ability to stop and start and go back with the literal push of a button.

In addition to my avatar, I could see my actual movements along with the movement patterns and velocities of different parts of my body. 

The analysis was telling me how I was bending and twisting, and how I was accelerating and decelerating my lower half to move my upper half through the ball. The system showed that I could get more twist in my torso, and more knee bend and glute activation with my lower half… Then they had me try it all again, but with my lower half doing more work. And wouldn’t you know—the velocity of my serve improved dramatically.”

Electromyography (EMG)

Noraxon’s EMG systems measure the electrical activity produced by skeletal muscles. This technology is vital for understanding muscle function and coordination during athletic activities. For tennis players, EMG analysis can identify which muscles are overworked or underutilised during strokes. Allowing for targeted strength training and injury prevention. In golf, EMG helps in assessing muscle activation patterns during the swing. Providing insights that can lead to more consistent and powerful shots. Ultimately, EMG analysis is ideal for improved golf and tennis swing performance​​​​.

MyoResearch (MR4) Software

The MyoResearch (MR4) software is the linchpin of Noraxon’s technology, integrating data from multiple sources, including EMG, IMU, and high-speed video. MR4 simplifies the workflow with an intuitive interface and advanced features such as:

  • Real-time signal processing: Enhances data collection and analysis efficiency.
  • 2D markerless tracking: Facilitates dynamic activity analysis like gait, running, and range of motion.
  • Customisable reports: Allows for the creation of detailed and tailored reports to highlight key data insights​​.

With a Noraxon system, users can track and understand:

  • Kinematic Sequence: Analyse the timing and order of movements, crucial for optimising performance and preventing injuries.
  • Velocity & Acceleration: Monitor speed and acceleration to refine techniques for better power and control.
  • Movement Efficiency: Evaluate the smoothness and effectiveness of movements to enhance overall athletic performance.
  • Weight Distribution: Assess how weight is distributed across different parts of the body to improve balance and stability.
  • Force & Power Production: Measure the force generated during movements to develop strength and maximise power output.
  • Swing Performance Enhancement: Use comprehensive data to identify areas for improvement and track progress over time.
  • Training Progression: Monitor and adjust training programmes based on detailed performance metrics to ensure continuous improvement. 

Zebris SAM Puttlab: Precision in Golf Putting and Swing Performance

Enhance your golf swing performance with zebris SAM Puttlab

The Zebris SAM Puttlab is a sophisticated putting analysis and training system that uses ultrasound technology to provide detailed insights into the putting stroke. Key benefits include:

  • Comprehensive Analysis: Measures 28 parameters of the putting stroke, including club face angle and swing path, offering a thorough understanding of a golfer’s technique.
  • Immediate Feedback: Provides real-time data, enabling golfers to make instant adjustments and improvements.
  • Personalised Training: Generates customised training programmes based on individual performance metrics, enhancing overall putting accuracy and consistency​​.


Incorporating Noraxon systems and the Zebris SAM Puttlab into training routines can significantly enhance the swing performance of tennis players and golfers. These technologies provide detailed, actionable insights into the biomechanics of sports movements. Thus helping athletes refine their techniques, prevent injuries, and achieve their highest potential. Available through HaB Direct in the UK and Ireland. These tools are essential for any athlete serious about improving their game. Whether you’re aiming to perfect your tennis serve or your golf swing, embracing these advanced technologies will set you on the path to success.

Are you ready to take your fitness or Sport Science facility to the next level?

At HaB Direct, we specialise in providing top-tier equipment solutions like the Noraxon IMU or EMG and zebris SAM Puttlab. They are renowned for unparalleled quality. If you’re looking to enhance your facilities, our dedicated team is here to ensure you find the perfect fit for your needs. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to elevate your facility with the best in the business. Contact us today to discover how our products and services can support your goals. Let’s embark on this journey towards excellence together.

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