EKF Diagnostics Biosen Glucose/Lactate Haemolysing Solution

EKF Diagnostics Biosen Glucose/Lactate Haemolysing Solution


Pre-filled glucose/lactate haemolysing solution sample cups for use with EKF Diagnostics’ Biosen C-Line and S-Line blood glucose/lactate analyser.

This is an essential consumable for the Biosen devices.

After the capillary tube has been filled with blood, it is placed into the glucose/lactate haemolysing solution cup to stop the sample from haemolysing, preparing the sample in readiness for the measurement by the Biosen device.



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Biosen Glucose/Lactate Haemolysing Solution

The pre-filled sample cups for use with EKF Diagnostics’ Biosen C-Line and S-Line blood glucose/lactate analyser are an essential consumable to allow measurements to take place. The Biosen Glucose/Lactate Haemolysing Solution is available in a variety of sized packages to suit individual customers needs, requirements and budgets.

The haemolysing solution cups are used to stop the blood, plasma or serum samples collected in either 10 µl or 20 µl capillaries from haemolysing.

After the capillary tube has been filled with a sample, it is placed into the glucose/lactate haemolysing solution cup and gently shaken to release the sample into the solution, where a 1:50 dilution takes places, a prerequisite before a measurement can be taken.

Additional information

Weight N/A

1000 micro test tubes, 10 x 100 capillaries

For use with

Biosen S-Line, Biosen C-Line

Shipping/Delivery Restrictions

Can only be shipped to UK and Ireland


Glucose / Lactate hemolyzing solution cups including 10 µl glass capillaries (1 set of 1,000), Glucose / Lactate hemolyzing solution cups excluding capillaries (1 set of 1,000), Glucose / Lactate hemolyzing solution cups including 20 µl plastic capillaries (1 set of 1,000), Glucose / Lactate hemolyzing solution cups including 20 µl plastic capillaries (1 set of 200), Glucose / Lactate hemolyzing solution cups including 20 µl plastic capillaries (5 sets of 200)


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