Noraxon Ultium Portable Lab

Noraxon Ultium Portable Lab

SKU: PL2-c

With the inclusion of Ultium Motion for reliable kinematic measurement, the Noraxon Ultium Portable Lab is now a complete biomechanics lab-in-a-case. And thanks to its modular format, you are able to build your own system for capturing high-fidelity data.

As all modules are contained in the case, obtaining biomechanics data is now possible whenever you need it, and wherever you need it. Furthermore, thanks to the modular build, you can capture yet more data when your budget allows.


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All-in-One Portable Biomechanics System

The Noraxon Ultium Portable Lab is a portable biomechanics lab-in-a-box in modular form. And thanks to this modular platform, offers you the flexibility to select what data you want to capture and where you want to capture it.

You can customise your lab to feature the Ultium Motion IMU, Ultium EMG, and NiNOXTM video systems. Furthermore, it allows you to interface with external force and pressure systems to complete your multi-device configuration within the myoRESEARCH software.

What you get with your Noraxon Portable Lab

The portable case contains all you need to collect high-fidelity biomechanics data in any location. And, because it is built to order, this modular lab can be tailored specifically to your own requirements and budget, to include:

  • Custom case with USB & Sync hub
  • Ultium EMG – Electromyography and SmartLeads with up to 16 channels
  • Ultium Motion – Wearable 3D motion capture with up to 16 channels
  • NiNOX 300C – up to 2 high-speed cameras – Ninox 125 or 300c
  • Ultium Insole SmartLead – for collecting mobility data
  • myoRESEARCH 4 – analysing the data is simplified with this simple to use software

Custom Case

The custom case for your portable lab allows you to access integrated motion capture, EMG, as well as synchronisation of systems through one USB 2.0 cable to a computer. Also, you will be able to charge all sensors with a single power supply connected to the charging port and main electric power. Finally, the built-in hub enables you to connect to two NiNOX cameras and two supplemental devices to a computer by using the USB-C cable.

Ultium EMG

By using the nerve’s stimulation of the muscle, Ultium EMG will measure muscle response or electrical activity.

Ultium Motion

This inertial Ultium Motion capture system is equipped with a sensor design for delivering accurate and reliable kinematic measurement for all types of movement, such as high velocity and high impact conditions.

NiNOX 300C

These highly portable cameras provide synchronised, real-time colour video for reference and 2D marker tracking.

Ultium Insole SmartLead

This will provide contact detection and quantitative impact characteristics in gait, running, and other dynamic activities. It also provides relative load distribution during balance and bilateral or unilateral exercise applications.


This Noraxon modular software package (myoRESEARCH 3) for data capture and analysis can be easily customised to support your bespoke Noraxon Ultium Portable Lab, providing:

  • Customised protocols for biomechanics measurement, plus configuration across multiple devices
  • Simple tools enable data replay for analysis
  • Produce your own bespoke reports of key data, quickly and easily
  • Examine raw biomechanics data and export it

Because it supports any combination of the Noraxon modules, this myoRESEARCH software enables you to select your chosen devices for that session and then automatically synchronise your data.

Modules supported by myoRESEARCH

  • myoMUSCLE – Surface and Fine Wire EMG
  • myoMOTION – Wireless Full Body 3D Kinematics
  • myoPRESSURE – Gait, Stance, and Jump Kinetics
  • myoFORCE – 3D Force Plates Analysis
  • myoVIDEO – Auto-Synchronise Video Data
  • myoANALOG – Third-Party Analog Signal Integration

From all these biomechanics recording systems, you will be able to collect, review, analyse and provide reports in a unified and streamlined way.

Build your own portable lab for biomechanics data

This portable biomechanics lab-in-a-box can capture human movement, wherever and whenever you need to.

Full body system

To capture biomechanical data for the entire body, you will require:

  • 16-sensor Ultium 3D Motion Capture system
  • Ultium 16-channel EMG system with an optional combination of Ultium EMG or SmartLead biomechanical sensors including the Ultium Insole SmartLead
  • NiNOX 120/300C FPS colour video with the option for a second camera and Sync Light

Upper or lower body system focus

If you prefer a specific focus on collecting upper or power body biomechanical data, then your lab will need:

  • 9-sensor Ultium 3D Motion Capture system
  • Ultium 8-channel EMG system with an optional combination of Ultium EMG or SmartLead biomechanical sensors including the Ultium Insole SmartLead
  • NiNOX 120/300C FPS colour video with the option for a second camera and Sync Light

Applications of the Noraxon Ultium Portable Lab

  • Gait and Running Analysis
  • Return to Play
  • Performance Testing
  • Human Factors & Ergonomics
  • Symmetry and Coordination Tests
  • Biofeedback Training

Additional information

Shipping/Delivery Restrictions

Can only be shipped to UK and Ireland


  • SOFTWARE MyoResearch 3
  • EMG Ultium EMG + SmartLeads (Up to 16 channels)
  • IMU Ultium Motion (Up to 16 channels)
  • VIDEO Up to 2 Cameras (Ninox 125 or 300c)


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