Apex Pro Mask Based Hypoxic Air Generator

Apex Pro Mask Based Hypoxic Air Generator


The POWERbreathe Altitude & Environmental Systems (PBAES) Pro Mask Based Hypoxic Air Generator unit is easy to use and can simulate the hypoxic air levels typically found at an altitude level of between 2,300m and 4,500m, without the expense of international travel and time away from home.

£3,420.00 (Ex VAT £2,850.00)

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Pro Mask Based Hypoxic Air Generator

This PBAES Pro Mask Based Hypoxic Air Generator is designed for Altitude Training. It includes the Air Delivery Kit (mask, head strap and tubing, etc.) that you will require to use it. The system can also be used to supply hypoxic air to the range of PBAES Sleep Inflatable Modules.

The generated hypoxic air is safe, reliable, and fully adjustable. Duration of use varies depending on the method used (mask or Inflatable Module) and ranges from 5-minutes (intermittent hypoxic training [IHT]) to 8-hours (sleeping). The key component parts of the hypoxic air generator have an anti-tiring and anti-ageing design.


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