Noraxon Ultium Analog Output Module

Noraxon Ultium Analog Output Module

SKU: NX881

The Noraxon Ultium Analog Output Module when connected to the Noraxon Ultium Receiver will take the data collected in the Noraxon MR3 software and automatically send it to a third-party data acquisition unit.

£2,381.83 Ex VAT £1,984.86

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Ultium Analog Output Module

The Noraxon Ultium Analog Output (A/O) Module is an accessory to the Ultium EMG System, which allows users to customise their data collection set-up. Specifically, a user could use the A/O Module to transmit data, collected from the Ultium EMG System, to a third-party software/program in real-time.

Utilises MR3 Software

As part of the Noraxon family, the A/O Module utilises the Noraxon MyoResearch (MR3) software platform.

Up to 32 signals

If applications require more than 16 analog signals, two A/O Modules may be used. When two A/O Modules are used together, a total of 32 signals can be sent through the analog terminal at once.

The Noraxon Linear Force SmartLead must be used in conjunction with a Noraxon Ultium EMG system.


  • Must be utilised in conjunction with the Noraxon Ultium Receiver (NX880)
  • Must be used in conjunction with Noraxon MR3 software
  • Connects to the Ultium Receiver unit via one of the three Auxillary Ports (AUX1, AUX2 or AUX3)
  • If applications require more than 16 analog signals, two A/O units may be used together


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