Roche cobas b 101 CRP Test Control

Roche cobas b 101 CRP Test Control

SKU: CS08024723190

Control solution for C-reactive protein (CRP) testing using the Roche cobas b 101 blood analyser. Pack contains 4 x 2mL control solution and 1 x info disc.

£167.00 (Ex VAT £139.17)

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CRP testing control

The CRP test control is an essential component of the Roche cobas b 101 point-of-care measurement device. This control ensures that the measurement device is precise and accurate in its readings by using a control sample to compare against the results obtained.

Batch-relevant information on target values and the expiry date of the control is supplied into the cobas b 101 device via the information disc supplied.

Applying the QC solution

The testing solution is applied to the information disc using an eyedropper for the CRP test control. Ensure the sample volume is sufficient by turning the disc over and ensuring the area marked in blue has been completely filled with solution. Make sure you do not overfill. Testing of discs must start immediately after applying the solution.


  • Provides quality control measurements for the Roche cobas b 101 blood analyser system
  • Each pack is supplied with individual target values for acceptable quality control
  • Level 1 and level 2 solutions for different values
  • Perform checks just like testing patient test samples
  • Pack includes 4 x 2mL control solution and 1 x Info disc


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